3 research outputs found

    Last Layer Marginal Likelihood for Invariance Learning

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    Data augmentation is often used to incorporate inductive biases into models. Traditionally, these are hand-crafted and tuned with cross validation. The Bayesian paradigm for model selection provides a path towards end-to-end learning of invariances using only the training data, by optimising the marginal likelihood. We work towards bringing this approach to neural networks by using an architecture with a Gaussian process in the last layer, a model for which the marginal likelihood can be computed. Experimentally, we improve performance by learning appropriate invariances in standard benchmarks, the low data regime and in a medical imaging task. Optimisation challenges for invariant Deep Kernel Gaussian processes are identified, and a systematic analysis is presented to arrive at a robust training scheme. We introduce a new lower bound to the marginal likelihood, which allows us to perform inference for a larger class of likelihood functions than before, thereby overcoming some of the training challenges that existed with previous approaches

    Learned Data Augmentation for Bias Correction

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